
The article is devoted to the comparative research of the causative constructions with the semantic meaning of emotional state. The research is based on the examples of the English (to amaze smb with smth) and the Ukrainian (вражати кого-небудь чим-небудь) constructions, the verbs of the emotional state as a part of the causative constructions. The relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of systematic semantic analysis of the causative constructions denoting emotional state. The subject of the research is the semantics and the structure of causative constructions in the English and the Ukrainian languages. The aim of the research lies in carrying out the semantic analysis of causative constructions and revealing the common and the different features in both languages. The classification of causative verbs with the semantic meaning of emotional state has been shown and the difference between the notions ‘emotionality’ and ‘emotivity’ has been determined. In the given article the frequency percentage of constructions with the semantic meaning of positive and negative states has been defined, and it is based on the examples from the English and the Ukrainian belles-lettres texts.

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