
The Polish language at the Latvian University in RigaThe history of teaching of Polish language in the University of Latvia (LU) starts soon after its establishment in 1919. In the 1930s thanks to such famous scientists as Julian Krzyżanowski and Stanisław Kolbuszewski, the number of subjects connected with the Polish culture has increased at the Faculty of Philology and Philosophy and the Latvian society was introduced to the numerous works of these professors, published in different publications in Latvia. After the Second World War, Polish language has been taught within Russian philology with the aim of comparison Eastern and Western Slavic language groups. At the same time scientific works on the state of Polish language of local Poles started to appear. Since the 1990s students of Russian Philology of the LU study Polish language as the foreign language by acquiring not only the structure of it for comparative purposes, but also by acquiring communicative skills. Due to the intensive cooperation with the Polish institutions, exchange programmes and the interest of the students, Polish language as the foreign language occupies a stable place among the courses of Bachelor programme of Russian philology in the LU.

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