
Non-participation through formal political institutions is a very strong trend among young Moroccans. The qualitative and quantitative data of an investigation carried out in 2015 and 2016 show that the majority of young people do not participate in political parties and elections. That said, they are not politically apathetic and many of them express a strong interest in politics and a strong sense of agency. The fact that the political interest of young people does not turn into action suggests their disenchantment with the political offer. Although factors such as education, gender and level of political knowledge are important to understand the reasons for participation or non-participation of young people, this article highlights the impact of the centrality of power and established political practices on the existence of this no commitment among young people. In Morocco, the sphere of political participation has expanded since the 1990s. However, in a regime characterized by the centrality of power in the hands of the monarchy / makhzen, a controlled partisan scene and discredited political institutions, citizens are aware of the limits of their influence on public decisions. The field work we have done allows us to conclude that politicians and parties are disconnected from the realities and concerns of young people. In addition, most of the latter feel excluded from the decision-making processes. Even when they participate in discussions and debates within their own organizations, young people feel that their opinions and expectations are not taken into account. Non-participation can be considered as a conscious act that undermines the legitimacy of the system. The separation of young people from the formal sphere of participation and their disenchantment with the political offer can contribute to the long-term use of anti-democratic and non-peaceful means to make their voices heard.

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