
AbstractThe roles of grouping and mating in modulating the activity of the corpora allata (CA) in adult female cockroaches were investigated using the in vitro radiochemical assay of juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis. Isolated virgin females have longer, asynchronous cycles of CA activity and oocyte maturation than do isolated females mated on day 8. Three factors were identified as the major contributors to this difference: (1) an experimental artifact of selection for sexually receptive females, (2) a positive effect of grouping on JH synthesis and oocyte maturation, and (3) a positive effect of copulation on oviposition and retention of the ootheca. Mated females constitute a subpopulation of receptive females that differ significantly from other females by having higher rates of JH synthesis prior to mating. The relative importance of such selection is substantial when the rate of mating is low, as in experiments with isolated females that are exposed to males for a short period of time. Long‐term exposure of females to males introduces a grouping effect, which obscures any additional effect of mating on CA activity and oocyte development. However, mating influences ootheca formation and its retention. The effect of grouping can be mimicked in isolated females by transection of the nerves connecting the CA–corpora cardiaca complex to the brain, suggesting that in this insect isolation causes brain inhibition of the CA, and grouping provides disinhibitory stimuli that release the CA from brain inhibition.

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