
In the preface, the editor says: "The following chapters suggest that the adequate understanding of criminal behavior is based on the theory of multiple causation, that it is always a combination of causes which produces juvenile delinquency, and that this combination varies from one case to another. This approach of this book conduces to a realistic appraisal of the many factors at work in the generation of juvenile delinquency, and cautions against the easy type of overgeneralization frequently found among those who attribute crime to a single cause, such as 'the parents are to blame,' 'slum conditions are the cause of crime,' or 'the lack of educational facilities is the cause of all troubles'." From a first reading, one might expect that the problem will be looked at and presented from a multidisciplinary, multicausal frame of reference, or perhaps even from a transactions-processes reference; but if this is the expectation

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