
ABSTRACT Despite the efficacy of the mixed methods research design, there appears to be a need for more application in the maritime theme areas. This paper demonstrates the use of explanatory sequential mixed methods research (MMR) design in investigating the retention of ship officers. Previous studies often relied on the lopsided viewpoint of industry employers (using qualitative-oriented mono-methods) without capturing the employee side of the discourse. A web-based survey of 305 ship officers and a semi-structured telephone interview with 20 senior managers helped identify factors predicting the departure of ship officers to landside jobs. A long period of separation from family is a vital issue. Analysis of the interview transcripts helped explain the survey results. Sustainable HR practices are needed among shipping industry employers. Many respondents indicated that personal reasons accounted for the departure to landside jobs. The lack of support from employers during times of crisis compounds a high turnover conundrum among highly skilled ship officers. Shipping industry employers need to dedicate more resources to seafarer training even as the emergence of new technologies on board ships is placing existing skills out of fashion.

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