
This article examines the current state and future prospects for the development of the road network in the Russian Federation. It focuses on the implementation of the national project «Safe High-Quality Roads», which aims to achieve new qualitative standards in the construction and operation of the country’s road network. The author analyzes the elements of road maintenance and operation. A comparative analysis is provided, comparing the understanding of road maintenance and operation in the Russian Federation with regulatory documents from the World Bank. The concept of road restoration (rehabilitation) as an allocation criterion by the World Bank is discussed. The study reveals that the domestic approach to selecting repair strategies is based on temporary road operation criteria, while the World Bank’s approach is based on the specific nature of the work and the financial costs associated with repair and road restoration. The author considers various aspects related to repair work on highways. The analysis focuses on groups of factors that contribute to road pavement destruction. External causes, including climatic, geographical, geological, and operational factors that affect road conditions, are identified as the most common causes. Internal causes are also discussed, including outdated technologies, low-quality materials, and errors made during the calculation and construction stages of the road. Different types of pavement destruction leading to complete road damage and the necessity for complete restoration are described and distinguished. Based on this, the article argues that improving quality performance indicators is possible through continuous monitoring of road surface conditions and timely repairs. The author suggests that the use of complex mobile diagnostic laboratories equipped with necessary tools and an information-computing system based on a specialized information-statistical model can significantly reduce the time and financial costs associated with monitoring the condition of roadways. Furthermore, a calculation example is provided to estimate the pavement elasticity index based on traffic intensity and vehicle type. Finally, the article discusses the main initial requirements for justifying road structures.

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