
In the last decade, the idea of narrow-band tillage for row crops has gained not only material realization, but also a real estimated framework in terms of energy and resource saving. The article presents a variant of the working body for strip tillage, as the simplest and most reliable in construction, at the same time the most effective in terms of achieving the agrotechnical quality of the treated soil. The design of the non-power rotary working body is as follows. At the maximum approaching of two symmetric afrontal and needle disks inclined from the vertical to the crossing of their rolling planes, a zone of soil destruction due to a fixed shift is formed. In this zone, the needles of the first disk make a working stroke approximately perpendicular to the direction of movement, and the needles of the second disk make a similar movement in the opposite direction in the intervals of the needles of the first disk. The soil in this area is first pinched between the needles, then destroyed, including large lumps. To exclude wear on the tips of the needles and the unstable progress of the entire non-driven rotary working body, the manufacture of needles in the self-sharpening mode is proposed, the recommended operating modes are given. An optimal variant of using a non-driven rotary working body as part of the transformer “narrow-band tillage adapter - seeder” is also proposed, on which the adapter can be aggregated with any seeder for row crops.

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