
[For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].ABSTRACT The article describes an approach of the method to study effectiveness of modern system of relationships with customers based on information technologies. In addition direct economic effects, indirect effects and effects of reducing risks in the performance of transport and logistics services are considered. Creating such a system in the holding Russian Railways is intended to increase the competitiveness of rail transport, to attract new customers, to increase revenue and reduce unproductive losses, which arise due to unsatisfactory performance referring to fulfillment of contractual obligations in the field of carriage of goods. Keywords: railway, CRM, holding company, service quality, transportation market, customer focus, logistics, efficiency, system of customer relationship, information technologies. REFERENCES 1.Tereshina, N.P.Economic regulation and com­petitiveness of transportation [Ekonomicheskoe regu­lirovanie i konkurentosposobnost’ perevozok].Moscow, Railway Ministry, 1994, 132 p. 2.Khusainov, F.I.Railways and the market: a collection of articles [Zheleznye dorogi i rynok: sbornik statej].Moscow, Nauka publ., 2015, 582 p. 3.Sokolov , Yu.I.The economics of quality of transport service of cargo owners: monograph [Ekonomika kachestva transportnogo obsluzhivanija gruzovladel’cev: monografija].Moscow, TMC for education on railway transport, 2011, 184 p. 4.Lavrov, I.M.Economic evaluation of the quality of transport services of cargo owners in terms of multiplic­ity of participants in transportation process [Ekonomiches­kaja ocenka kachestva transportnogo obsluzhivanija gruzovladel’cev v uslovijah mnozhestvennosti uchastnikov perevozochnogo processa].Ph.D.(Economics) thesis.Moscow, 2015, 167 p. 5.Macheret, D.A.Methodological problems of studies on railway transport [Metodologicheskie problemy issledovanij na zheleznodorozhnom transporte].Ekonomika zheleznyh dorog, 2015, Iss.3, pp.12-26. 6.Subjects and methods to assess the quality of transport services in terms of competition in the freight transportation market [Sub’ekty i metody ocenki kachestva transportnogo obsluzhivanija v uslovijah konkurencii na rynke gruzovyh perevozok].Vektor transporta, 2014, Vol.2, pp.44-52. 7.Sokolov, Yu.I.Service quality should be assessed by the clients themselves.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.13, 2015, Iss.4, pp.100-109. 8.Baginova, V.V., Fedorov, L.S., Lievin, S.B.Logistics business: harmony of costs and outcome.World of Transport and Transportation, Vol.12, Iss.5, pp.112- 115.

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