
. Human capital theory serves as the scientific basis for development of innovative economics. It is human capital that determines the maintenance of quality parameters of economic growth providing for efficient development of economics of modern states. The purpose of the authors is to justify theoretical and methodological expositions of human capital management in the innovative economics. The latter is regarded as an economic system based on the innovative activity of the business entities and individuals, on the permanent technological enhancement. Such an economic system is developing due to on-going generation of new knowledge. The authors present the results of their copyright study of genesis of system human capital paradigm of innovative economics as a research concept which implements and concretizes a holistic approach to revealing the patterns and causal relationships within the system of human capital of innovative development. The method of the study is based on using monographic method, statistical methods, charts, tables, graphs and other means to visualize the findings. As a result, the authors ascertain the shift in the economic science from classical understanding of how economic growth is impacted by education in innovative economics to considering economic growth as the main driver for development of education. The authors adduce the results of statistical analysis of interrelation between the volumes of technological innovation expenditures, the aggregate level of organizations’ innovative activity and the index of human development on the international level. By means of nonparametric methods the authors discover that the development of human capital, educational potential and the level of innovation development in the regions of Russia are moderately interrelated. The authors come to the conclusion that Russian economics is unique in comparison with other countries due to the combination of the high level of human capital development and low pace of economic and innovative development. As a result, they have found out that, considered as part of human capital management providing for innovative development, investments in education can be more efficient only if science, education and business integrate to train their employees within the context of the new paradigm of interrelation between human capital and economic growth in innovative economics in which investment in innovation and technology is regarded as the main driver of development of education.


  • Human capital theory serves as the scientific basis for development

  • human capital that determines the maintenance of quality parameters of economic growth providing for efficient development of economics

  • latter is regarded as an economic system based on the innovative activity

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10. Красноярский край

50,58 ческого капитала и образовательного потенциала, что говорит о присутствии в регионах иных драйверов инновационного развития, включая федеральные программы поддержки, присутствие и активную деятельность институтов развития, развитую инновационную инфраструктуру и пр. [26]. Внутри страны наблюдается значительная региональная дифференциация по уровню образовательного потенциала, инновационного развития и человеческого капитала. От 28.09.2018) «О Концепции долгосрочного социально-экономического развития Российской Федерации на период до 2020 года». URL: http:// www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_ LAW_82134/ (дата обращения: 15.10.2019). No 204 «О национальных целях и стратегических задачах развития Российской Федерации на период до 2024 года» (с изменениями и дополнениями). Доклад о человеческом развитии в Российской Федерации за 2014 год / Под ред. Доклад о человеческом развитии в Российской Федерации.

18. Индикаторы образования
22. Индикаторы инновационной деятельности
18. Education Indicators
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