
Topicality. Throat inflammatory diseases are a growing problem that requires the right approach to treatment and prevention. According to the WHO, up to 80 % of the population of Ukraine suffers from acute respiratory viral diseases every year. Sore throat and itching are the symptoms of most acute respiratory illnesses caused by a wide range of infectious and viral pathogens. Therefore, the development of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory plant-derived medications in the form of local action pills is relevant.Aim. Substantiation and study of the influence of different groups of excipients on the pharmaco-technological parameters of powder masses in the development of tablets based on oregano by direct compression.Materials and methods. The studied materials – dry extract of oregano independently obtained, various excipients that were grouped into certain groups, and also used one of the methods of mathematical planning – analysis of variance.Results and discussion. As a result of the conducted researches the best excipients influencing pharmaco-technological indicators of powder masses and quality of tablets have been defined and chosen.Conclusions. With the help of dispersion analysis, the best excipients that meet the requirements for the quality of pharmaco-technological indicators in the development of tablet dosage forms have been identified and selected.


  • The studied materials – dry extract of oregano independently obtained, various excipients that were grouped into certain groups, and used one of the methods of mathematical planning – analysis of variance

  • With the help of dispersion analysis, the best excipients that meet the requirements for the quality of pharmaco-technological indicators in the development of tablet dosage forms have been identified and selected

  • Горбачевского Министерства здравоохранения Украины Обоснование выбора вспомогательных веществ для получения таблеток методом прямого прессования на основе экстракта душицы обыкновенной

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Обґрунтування та вивчення впливу різних груп допоміжних речовин на фармако-технологічні показники порошкових мас у розробці таблеток на основі материнки звичайної методом прямого пресування для лікування захворювань горла. Перелік допоміжних речовин (факторів), що вивчали під час розробляння таблеток на основі екстракту материнки звичайної, наведено в табл. Спочатку завантажували й перемішували сухий екстракт та ДОПОМІЖНІ РЕЧОВИНИ, ЩО ВИВЧАЛИ ПІД ЧАС РОЗРОБЛЯННЯ СКЛАДУ ТАБЛЕТОК НА ОСНОВІ СУХОГО ЕКСТРАКТУ МАТЕРИНКИ ЗВИЧАЙНОЇ МЕТОДОМ ПРЯМОГО ПРЕСУВАННЯ

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