
One of the primary tasks of the Albanian state during the post-communist transition, remains the justice reform in its two main pillars: new legislation and justice bodies with new qualifications and mentality. Its purpose is to increase the independence of the justice system and strengthen it in terms of professionalism, efficiency, impartiality and honesty of judges and prosecutors in fulfilling their duties. For study purposes, we have divided the reform in post-communist justice into three-time phases, depending on the profound constitutional changes: 1991-1998, 1999-2016 and 2016 onwards. The first two stages are treated mainly in their historical way. This topic deals with the reflection of the results of this reform, the effects so far in achieving the goal for which it is developed. How and to what extent have the bodies of the justice system been cleaned out corrupt judges and prosecutors. Is their independence, impartiality and professionalism been achieved? In this regard, the study captures the changes in legislation, the structure of the system, the efficiency of the new era, the obstacles and shortcomings of the reform, the views of political forces and experts on its development, the contribution of our international experts and partners who strongly support morally, legally and financially, as well as other problems that serve the normal course of the justice reform. Finally, in the paper, criticism, opinions and suggestions are given to avoid shortcomings and lead the reform to the required objective.

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