
Applying machine-based learning and synthetic cognition, commonly referred to as artificial intelligence (AI), to medicine intimates prescient knowledge. The ability of these algorithms to potentially unlock secrets held within vast data sets makes them invaluable to healthcare. Complex computer algorithms are routinely used to enhance diagnoses in fields like oncology, cardiology, and neurology. These algorithms have found utility in making healthcare decisions that are often complicated by seemingly endless relationships between exogenous and endogenous variables. They have also found utility in the allocation of limited healthcare resources and the management of end-of-life issues. With the increase in computing power and the ability to test a virtually unlimited number of relationships, scientists and engineers have the unprecedented ability to increase the prognostic confidence that comes from complex data analysis. While these systems present exciting opportunities for the democratization and precision of healthcare, their use raises important moral and ethical considerations around Christian concepts of autonomy and hope. The purpose of this essay is to explore some of the practical limitations associated with AI in medicine and discuss some of the potential theological implications that machine-generated diagnoses may present. Specifically, this article examines how these systems may disrupt the patient and healthcare provider relationship emblematic of Christ's healing mission. Finally, this article seeks to offer insights that might help in the development of a more robust ethical framework for the application of these systems in the future.

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