
ABSTRACT The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of just in time inventory management technique on supply chain performance in processing firms in Kenya with focus to Crown Paints Limited. This study analyzed several theories majoring on the deterministic inventory which deterministic models of stock control are utilized to decide the ideal stock levels in the company. This study adopted descriptive research design. Target population of this study was 279 staff working in various department at Crown Paints Limited. Stratified random sampling technique was used in this study to come up with a sample size of 81 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect primary data. Qualitative and quantitative data was collected where quantitative data was coded in the SPSS (Version 22). Data has been presented using frequency tables and figures while interpretation has been done in prose form. Inferential statistics was used to establish relationship between just in time inventory management technique on supply chain performance. The study concluded that customer order cycle influence supply chain performance. There was significant relationship between customer order cycle and supply chain performance. The study concludes that supply chain cycle contributes to supply chain performance, and that there was significant relationship between supply chain cycle and supply chain performance. The study concludes that there was linear relationship between Takt Time and supply chain performance. There was significant influence of Takt Time on supply chain performance. The study concludes that pull system contributes to the supply chain performance. The study concludes that the overall significant relationship between pull system and supply chain performance. The study recommends that organizations should have multiple objectives like enhanced competitiveness, better customer service and increased profitability among other. To seek these objectives organizations should employ various defensive as well as offensive business performance improvement approaches. In order to receive an accurate result using takt time formula on supply chain performance, organizations should put both the production time available and the customer demand into frames. Goods should simply be produced according to the pace of consumption in the market a market demand-pull supply chain system.

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