
Since the release of its groundbreaking debut, Toy Story, Pixar Animation Studios has been the undisputed leader in popular animation. Indeed, much like The Walt Disney Studios and hand-drawn cel-animation, Pixar has become synonymous with the medium of computer-generated imagery (CGI) which now dominates the industry. Praised for its singular achievements in CGI innovation, Pixar’s narratives are what have truly set the studio apart from its competitors. From Toy Story onwards, Pixar’s wry yet heartfelt contemporary fairytales have explored questions of meaning in a manner which at once transcends and stands in tension with the sort of escapism commonly associated with ‘family entertainment’. These are films which exemplify Bettelheim’s thoughts on ‘the uses of enchantment’: ‘nothing can be as enriching and satisfying to child and adult alike as the folk fairy tale’.1

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