
The article is devoted to the research and analysis of the institute of jury trial in Ukraine. One of the main tasks of the article is to study the procedure for reviewing criminal proceedings by a jury, which is established by the legislation of Ukraine, as well as to identify the shortcomings of the existing model and consider the proposed changes. The relevance of this study lies primarily in the fact that the institution of the jury remained one of the few institutions that have not undergone reforms and revisions during its existence, although there is an objective need for this. According to the author, the main problem of the existing model of this institution is outdated regulation and its inefficiency. In addition, the use of juries is currently too limited. The author studies the existing models of jury trials in the world, establishes the model used in Ukraine, analyzes in detail the procedure for approving lists of citizens - potential jurors and their selection for the trial, the rights and responsibilities of jurors, existing restrictions, the procedure for jurors. At the same time, the shortcomings of the existing system are considered, the main problems are identified, and ways to solve them are proposed. A systematic approach to the implementation of changes in the procedure for training and selection of jurors, their responsibilities, as well as in the system of the institute itself. Bills on making changes to the existing system are analyzed. It turns out that the modern jury system really needs to be reformed. At the same time, it was noted that the usual copying of foreign experience and legislation, which is not adapted to Ukrainian realities, will have a negative effect. Moreover, in addition to regulatory improvements, it is necessary to pay attention to building a positive image of the institution and involving as many citizens as possible in the implementation of the functions of the jury, including through the introduction of additional social guarantees for active citizens.

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