
Artificial Intellects or robots are becoming all-pervasive in the present modern society. Artificially Intelligence Technology hasbrought incredible change in the day to day lives of people around world. Large number of populations are familiar with AI technology like chat-bots and usage of virtual personal assistants like Apples Siri, Amazons Alexa ok, Google and Microsofts Cortana. Where the whole world is relying on this AI technology in this context the present paper explores the impact of AI on Education, Amicable Conflict resolution,Economic stability, health sector,industry, Human rights protection, Fair and Speedy Justice – access to justice system. Recognition and protection of Human Rights are major elements for maintaining sustainable peace and development (UNSDG) of the society. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has huge impact on the improvement of health care systems apart from economic status of individuals, inequality in the communities as well as states and help to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Indias policy think tank, the NITI Aayog paper on National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence is focused on leveraging AI for inclusive growth in line with the Government policy of SabkaSaathSabka Vikas.

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