
Every citizen has equal rights before the law as an embodiment of the rule of law concept contained in Article 1 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution. In this case the state must provide guarantees for the implementation of equality before the law for every citizen without exception. also reaffirmed in Article 27 paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution where everyone has the right to equal treatment before the law, as well as guarantees for everyone to get access to justice. The provision of guarantees by the state is marked by the regulation of the rights of citizens in law, and one of the rights possessed by every citizen is to have the right to litigate on a Prodeo basis. This research is a normative juridical research. This research is focused on examining the application of the rules or norms in positive law. Therefore, more data collection is done through library research (library research). Library research is intended to obtain secondary data in the form of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results of the study show that prodeo is a form of government guarantee and responsibility which is the right of every citizen. The prodeo litigation program is only intended and aimed at the poor who cannot afford to pay court fees in order to obtain equal rights to justice before the law. Prodeo litigation is the waiver of case fees in court for the parties to the litigation (free of charge). In the implementation of all prodeo case costs borne by the State through the Budget Executor Form List (DIPA). DIPA will pay or reimburse the entire cost that has been issued by the court. This policy of free litigation is a form of the state's economic responsibility towards the poor.

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