
ABSTRACTThe Indonesian Criminal Procedure Code (Criminal Procedure Code) in force at present is Law Number 8 Year 1981 which was ratified on 31 December 1981. This Criminal Procedure Code supersedes Articles 1 to Article 117 HIR (Herzeine Inlandsch Reglement) which is a regulation of criminal procedural law in Indonesia before the Criminal Procedure Code is enacted. The criminal offenses related to a road traffic violation are cases that are included in certain acts. Violations that occur in connection with traffic as mentioned above are a type of minor criminal offense, which under the terms of the Criminal Procedure Code runs quickly. From the background above, the author formulates the main points are: First, How is the Trial of Trafficking in Criminal Officers Judging From the Criminal Procedure Code of Law Number 8 Year 1981 ?. Second, How Is The Form Of A Legal Effort That Can Be Done By A Rider If Not Accepting A Ticket And A Court Judgment? The type of research used is observational research with normative way that is literature research method that is legal research conducted by studying and researching the library materials in the form of primary law material and secondary law material. While the nature of this study is descriptive, because the author intends to provide an overview of the problems that become the subject of research.Data analysis is presented descriptively. Then the authors draw deductive conclusions of this research. From the research results Can be concluded the Events Process Trials Traffic Infringement Judging From the Book of Criminal Procedure Law No. 8 of 1981. Rapid checking events provided for in the Criminal Procedure Code include a light criminal investigation and traffic violation cases. Article 211 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that those examined according to the traffic violation checking event are certain traffic violations of the traffic laws. Forms of Legal Efforts That Can Be Done By A Rider If Not Accepting A Ticket And A Court Judgment. Traffic violation is a type of light criminal act, namely a criminal act whose threat of sanction is either a fine or a confinement. For people who feel right but still ticketed, they can protest and object in court. But it can not be done anymore because the Supreme Court (MA) issued Regulation MA (Perma) No. 12 of 2016. Key words : Law Enforcement, Legal Certainty, violation.

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