
A forest is a place where various living things depend. The interests of one creature sometimes clash with the interests of other creatures, causing conflict. The women of Beji Village, Ngawen District, have wisdom in managing forest use conflicts wisely. This study aims to identify, inventory, and criticize the Wonosadi forest utilization conflict resolution model that can provide welfare for all parties. This research seeks to combine legal research with philosophical research. Empirical legal research is carried out by uncovering forest management phenomena so that they can be sustainable and provide welfare for various parties. Philosophical research aims to reveal perspectives, mindsets, and philosophical foundations developed by the people of Beji village, especially their women, in resolving conflicts wisely. The results of the study found that the Beji village community developed a mindset based on an ontological basis that views the forest as not just a collection of trees in the form of mere physical objects, but rather spiritual values. The epistemological basis for understanding the forest is not just using ratios, but at the same time using feelings. Understanding does not aim to master or exploit but to love and admire. The values that form the basis of axiology encourage the perspective of Beji village women in resolving conflicts wisely in the form of values of respect for fellow beings, compassion, caring, cosmic solidarity, and justice. This philosophical foundation is used as a source of material and a source of value for constructing and resolving conflicts based on living law in society (living law).

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