
A new paradigm in solving the problem of eradicating money laundering crimes which are linked to narcotics crimes, where these narcotics crimes are the lifeblood of the mafia and at the same time the proceeds of narcotics crimes with the money laundering mode are a weak point for the mafia which is easy to detect. This research aims to find out how law enforcement is regulated for laundering money from narcotics crimes. How to implement the obstacles and solutions for law enforcement in the crime of laundering money from narcotics crimes. What is the analysis of law enforcement for the crime of money laundering resulting from narcotics crimes in the Supreme Court Decision Number 386.K/Pid.sus/2022. This research uses a normative juridical research method that is descriptive analysis, namely research carried out by examining library materials (secondary data) or library legal research. To obtain primary data, field research was carried out in the form of interviews. Obstacles faced in preventing TPPU crimes from the proceeds of narcotics crimes. Incompatibility of understanding between law enforcement officials regarding TPPU is the main obstacle. Without a common perception between investigators public officials and judges, the handling of money laundering cases will end in the perpetrator being released from the law. TPPU. Rapid advances in technology make it difficult to detect money laundering due to TPPU modes and techniques. The research results show that the criminal threat of money laundering is regulated in article 3, namely a maximum prison sentence of 20 (twenty) years and a maximum fine of IDR 10,000,000,000. The panel of judges at the District Court that hears money laundering criminal cases acts decisively in handing down criminals, especially because the investigation process usually receives scrutiny from the public, such as money laundering from narcotics crimes and corruption.

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