
Eradicating illegal narcotics on the borders of the Riau Islands region or maritime areas connected to sea routes has a high prospect for the spread of narcotics crimes across national borders. To tackle the criminal act of smuggling narcotics from abroad into Indonesia via the Riau Islands sea route, the Riau Islands Regional Police's narcotics research directorate is carrying out in-depth prevention efforts through evaluating cross-country narcotics trafficking routes or what are commonly known as rat routes in order to minimize and reduce the level of cross-border narcotics smuggling. in the Riau Islands region. The problem in this research is how to regulate the eradication of illicit narcotics at the borders of the Riau Islands region, what are the implementation, obstacles and solutions for optimizing the eradication of illicit narcotics at the borders of the Riau Islands region, and what are the monitoring efforts carried out in eradicating illicit narcotics at the borders of the Riau Islands region (Research Study at the Directorate Riau Islands Regional Police Narcotics Investigation). The results of the research show that the eradication of illicit narcotics at the borders of the Riau Islands region (research study of the Kepri Police's drug investigation directorate) has been running in accordance with the duties and functions of the detective unit, for the obstacles faced in terms of infrastructure and transportation so it is hoped that the field process will be further improved. running optimally.

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