
Jurassic neptunian dikes are common within Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic platform limestone of the Julian Alps. At Mt Mangart, the following geometries were observed: irregular dissolution cavities, thin penetrative fractures, larger fractures with sharp sidewalls, and laterally confined breccia bodies. Inside a complex neptunian dike system two main generations of infillings were differentiated. The first generation is heterogeneous and consists of bioclastic limestones, representing uniquely preserved sediments subdivided into five different microfacies. The second generation is more common and typically consists of coarse-grained breccias with host-rock clasts and marly limestone matrix containing echinoderms. Fracture formation and void filling of the first generation of neptunian dikes is dated as Pliensbachian and is interpreted to be caused by the Julian carbonate platform dissection due to widely recognized Lower Jurassic Tethyan rifting. The timing of formation for the second generation is only broadly constrained, ranging from the Pliensbachian to the Late Cretaceous.

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