
Jurassic studies in the Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera are scarce since this zone is composed mainly of pre-Jurassic metamorphic rocks. Only the “Dorsal” and the Malaguide domains include fossiliferous Jurassic successions, as in Sierra Espuña (SE Spain), which is one of the bigger and well-exposed Jurassic outcrops of the Internal Zones. Collected Ammonite assemblages update and improve the precision of previous biostratigraphic data by the recognition of: the Domerian (= Upper Pliensbachian, in the Mediterranean Domain) Lavinianum (Cornacaldense Subzone), Algovianum (Ragazzoni, Bertrandi, Accuratum and Levidorsatum Subzones) and Emaciatum (Solare and Elisa Subzones) Zones; the Lower Toarcian Polymorphum and Serpentinum Zones; the Middle Toarcian, Bifrons and Gradata Zone; the Upper Toarcian Reynesi Zone; the Lower/Upper Bajocian, the Lower Callovian Bullatus and Gracilis Zones; the Middle/Upper Oxfordian Transversarium, Bifurcatus, Bimammatum and Planula Zones; and the Lower and Upper Kimmeridgian Platynota, Strombecki, Divisum and Beckeri Zones. The paleoenvironmental evolution of the Malaguide Jurassic at Sierra Espuña shows similarities with other Mediterranean Tethyan paleomargins. The biostratigraphic precision along with the litho- and biofacies analyses has enabled the interpretation that the Malaguide paleomargin evolved as a passive margin, developing shallow carbonate platforms, until the Domerian (Lavinianum Zone). Then, the platform broke up (Domerian, Lavinianum Zone–Upper Toarcian, Reynesi Zone) with the beginning of the rifting stage, beginning the development of horst–graben systems and the coeval drowning of the area. This stage ended in the upper Lower Callovian (Gracilis Zone) to the Middle Oxfordian (Transversarium Zone) interval, starting the drifting stage, which accentuated the horst–graben systems, leading to the deposition of condensed nodular limestones in the raised sea bottom.

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