
Spatially resolved maps of Jupiter’s far-infrared 17–37 µm hydrogen-helium collision-induced spectrum were acquired by the FORCAST instrument on the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) in May 2014. Spectral scans in two grisms covered the broad S(0) and S(1) absorption lines, in addition to contextual imaging in eight broad-band filters (5–37 µm) with spatial resolutions of 2–4″. The spectra were inverted to map the zonal-mean temperature and para-H2 distribution (fp, the fraction of the para spin isomer with respect to the ortho spin isomer) in Jupiter’s upper troposphere (the 100–700 mbar range). We compared these to a reanalysis of Voyager-1 and -2 IRIS spectra covering the same spectral range. Tropospheric temperature contrasts match those identified by Voyager in 1979, within the limits of temporal variability consistent with previous investigations. Para-H2 increases from equator to pole, with low-fp air at the equator representing sub-equilibrium conditions (i.e., less para-H2 than expected from thermal equilibration), and high-fp air and possible super-equilibrium at higher latitudes. In particular, we confirm the continued presence of a region of high-fp air at high northern latitudes discovered by Voyager/IRIS, and an asymmetry with generally higher fp in the north than in the south. Far-IR aerosol opacity is not required to fit the data, but cannot be completely ruled out. We note that existing collision-induced absorption databases lack opacity from (H2)2 dimers, leading to under-prediction of the absorption near the S(0) and S(1) peaks. There appears to be no spatial correlation between para-H2 and tropospheric ammonia, phosphine and cloud opacity derived from Voyager/IRIS at mid-infrared wavelengths (7–15 µm). We note, however, that para-H2 tracks the similar latitudinal distribution of aerosols within Jupiter’s upper tropospheric and stratospheric hazes observed in reflected sunlight, suggesting that catalysis of hydrogen equilibration within the hazes (and not the main clouds) may govern the equator-to-pole gradient, with conditions closer to equilibrium at higher latitudes. This gradient is superimposed onto smaller-scale variations associated with regional advection of para-H2 at the equator and poles.


  • Far-infrared (IR) spectra of the giant planets are shaped by the collision-induced absorption of hydrogen and helium, providing a sensitive measure of the atmospheric temperature structure and the abundances of the most common gases in gas giant atmospheres (e.g., Hanel et al, 1979; Conrath and Gautier, 1980; Conrath and Pirraglia, 1983; Conrath et al, 1998; Conrath and Gautier, 2000)

  • Fp had a minimum at the equator and increased towards each pole, with the suggestion of an fp maximum over the north pole creating superequilibrium conditions poleward of 45◦N at the tropopause. It is the existence of this hemispheric asymmetry in Jupiter’s paraH2 distribution, and the potential correlation with tropospheric aerosols, that we sought to test with the new Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA)/FORCAST dataset

  • The FORCAST data appear to be warmer than the IRIS data at all wavelengths, and we found that a 0.9× scaling factor applied to the FORCAST spectra would bring the two into agreement

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Far-infrared (IR) spectra of the giant planets are shaped by the collision-induced absorption of hydrogen and helium, providing a sensitive measure of the atmospheric temperature structure and the abundances of the most common gases in gas giant atmospheres (e.g., Hanel et al, 1979; Conrath and Gautier, 1980; Conrath and Pirraglia, 1983; Conrath et al, 1998; Conrath and Gautier, 2000). This work focusses on the subrange of Jupiter’s far-infrared spectrum (270-600 cm−1, 17-37 μm) that is accessible from SOFIA This range is dominated by the broad collision-induced H2 S(0) and S(1) features near 354 cm−1 (28.2 μm) and 587 cm−1 (17.0 μm), respectively. Fp had a minimum at the equator and increased towards each pole, with the suggestion of an fp maximum over the north pole creating superequilibrium conditions poleward of 45◦N at the tropopause It is the existence of this hemispheric asymmetry in Jupiter’s paraH2 distribution, and the potential correlation with tropospheric aerosols, that we sought to test with the new SOFIA/FORCAST dataset. All latitudes in this paper are planetographic, all longitudes use System III west

Collision-induced absorption model
Aerosol influence and spectral windowing
Spectral selection from Voyager
Radiometric calibration of FORCAST
Tropospheric Temperatures
Balancing dynamics and chemical equilibration
Comparing para-H2 to tropospheric gases and aerosols
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