
Juniper dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium oxycedri (DC.) M. Bieb) is a semiparasitic species of Holarctic Cupressaceae hosts. This study updates the status of A. oxycedri and its hosts at the Crimean Peninsula, clearly defining them as principal (Eastern prickly juniper, Juniperus deltoides R.P. Adams), secondary (Greek juniper, J. excelsa M. Bieb.), occasional (rare) (Oriental thuja, Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco), and uncommon (other representatives of Juniperus, Cupressus, and Chamaecyparis genera). Using eight morphological characteristics (aerial shoot length, basal diameter, 1st/2nd/3rd internode lengths and widths), we investigated aerial shoot morphology of male and female A. oxycedri plants on three hosts and found host-dependent differences. Parasites on P. orientalis, a nonprincipal host, at different sites are smaller by comparison with both juniper hosts. Anthesis, fruit ripening, and seed release are host-dependent as well. Two fly species (Diptera), common greenbottle (Lucilia ceasar L.), ...

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