
The ability of reflective thinking is the ability to connect the knowledge which students get with the preseding knowledge, so there are conclusions to solve new problems. In order to motivate the students to solve the problems given, the researcher wants to associate the mathematical problems that are given to the students by associating something which which was the local context to them. This study describes the reflective thinking of students in solving triangular and rectangular mathematical problems. This study used a qualitative descriptive study with the students of class VIIIC at SMP Negeri 17 Pesawaran as a research subject consisting of 32 students which was taken by 5 students. The five subjects are all the students who fulfill all the reflective thinking indicators. The instrument used was a written test in the form of 4 description questions and in the interview’s guidelines conducted on the 5 students. Based on the research, the results obtained the students reflective thinking description in solving the mathematical problems which were the three subjects who are able to think reflective in solving mathematical problems and two subjects are quite capable of reflective thinking in solving mathematical problems.

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