
No abstract available. Article truncated after 150 words. An 85-year-old man presented to our institution for a second opinion and for management of a recurrent left-sided pleural effusion. The patient has a history of CLL, which was diagnosed with a chest wall biopsy 4 years prior to presentation. Since that time, he has undergone chemotherapy and had a good response. In the past 18 months, the patient has had their left-sided pleural effusion drained 24 times. The patient also has a history of hypothyroidism and has had a cholecystectomy. The patient brought multiple outside imaging studies with him for review. An image capture from a recent ultrasound-guided left thoracentesis (Figure 1A) demonstrated, in retrospect, a pedunculated left lower lobe mass. An outside PET-CT (Figure 1B) was also available, confirming the presence of this mass, which had relatively uniform, low level FDG uptake such that it evade notice on first interpretation. A CT angiogram (Figure 2) demonstrated a large …

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