
Tissue elongation is a fundamental morphogenetic process that generates the proper anatomical topology of the body plan and vital organs. In many elongating embryonic structures, tissue lengthening is driven by Rho family GTPase-mediated cell rearrangement. During this dynamic process, the mechanisms that modulate intercellular adhesion to allow individual cells to change position without compromising structural integrity are not well understood. In vertebrates, Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is also required for tissue elongation, but the precise cellular role of JNK in this context has remained elusive. Here, we show that JNK activity is indispensable for the rearrangement of endoderm cells that underlies the elongation of the Xenopus gut tube. Whereas Rho kinase is necessary to induce cell intercalation and remodel adhesive contacts, we have found that JNK is required to maintain cell-cell adhesion and establish parallel microtubule arrays; without JNK activity, the reorganizing endoderm dissociates. Depleting polymerized microtubules phenocopies this effect of JNK inhibition on endoderm morphogenesis, consistent with a model in which JNK regulates microtubule architecture to preserve adhesive contacts between rearranging gut cells. Thus, in contrast to Rho kinase, which generates actomyosin-based tension and cell movement, JNK signaling is required to establish microtubule stability and maintain tissue cohesion; both factors are required to achieve proper cell rearrangement and gut extension. This model of gut elongation has implications not only for the etiology of digestive tract defects, but sheds new light on the means by which intra- and intercellular forces are balanced to promote topological change, while preserving structural integrity, in numerous morphogenetic contexts.

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