
The expression of members of the Fos and Jun families is examined by immunohistochemistry in the brains of two patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Strong c-Jun immunoreactivity is observed in the cytoplasm of neurons located in the vicinity of subacute plaques, but not in neurons of brain compartments not compromised by MS and in the neighborhood of chronic plaques. Strong c-Jun immunoreactivity also contrast with weak c-Jun immunoreactivity of corresponding neurons in control brains. In addition, punctate Jun D immunoreactivity is observed in the neuropil of the same areas that express c-Jun. No immunoreaction is found to c-Fos, Fos-related antigens and Jun B in these areas. The present results suggest that selective Jun neuronal expression in the vicinity of subacute plaques is a consistent reaction to demyelination and axonal damage.

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