
The species of Salticidae which were collected in Yuma County, Arizona over the last three years are listed. Myrmarachne cutleri is described as new; Phidippus cardinalis is recorded for the first time from western Arizona. I present here a list of the identified species of Salticidae collected in Yuma County during 1961, 1962, 1963, and 1964. The spider fauna of this large county, many parts of which are relatively inaccessible, has been little studied. My work is a preliminary step toward a better knowledge of it. The Salticidae of North America were last revised by the Peckhams (1909). Only the subfamily Marpissinae has been revised since then (Barnes, 1955, 1958). Several papers by Gertsch (1934, 1935, 1936) provide data and descriptions of new southwestern species. Lowrie and Gertsch (1955) defined the subgenus Pellenes of the Habronattus group. My nomenclature below follows the most recent revisions available. Habronattus clypeatus (Banks). Both 8 and 9 have been collected. A Y, duller in color than the & and with indistinct pattern, was mated with a male of the type form by Joel Hallan of San Angelo, Texas. This species is rather common and often seen on low grass such as lawns and among lumps of soil. All specimens were collected in the Yuma Valley. Habronattus elegans (Peckham). Several males were collected a half mile west of Arizona Highway 95 at McPhaul Bridge on the Gila River. The specimens were taken by sweeping alfalfa. Several 9 s of the same genus were collected on arrowweed nearby but it is not known whether they belong to the same species. Habronattus hirsutus (Peckham). Several 8 s and 9 s were collected in the Yuma Valley; the & are dark and with typical pattern. Habronattus signatus (Banks). Numerous specimens were taken. The species is very common over much of the southern half of the county. Many Y s of the genus have been collected but as they tend to look

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