
We show how to use the combinatorial notion of jump sets to parametrize the possible structures of the group of principal units of local fields, viewed as filtered modules. We establish a natural bijection between the set of jump sets and the orbit space of a p-adic group of filtered automorphisms acting on a free filtered module. This, together with a Markov process on Eisenstein polynomials, culminates into a mass-formula for unit filtrations. The proof leads in many cases to explicit invariants of Eisenstein polynomials, yielding a link between the filtered structure of the unit group and ramification theory. Finally, with the theory of filtered modules developed here, we recover, with a more conceptual proof, a classification, due to Miki, of the possible sets of upper jumps of a wild character: these are all jump sets, with a set of exceptions explicitly prescribed by the jump set of the local field and the size of its residue field.

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