
The consumption impact of aluminum in the corrosive medium (2 M HCl) in the existence of JRE has been contemplated utilizing, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM), potentiodynamic polarization (PP), mass loss and gasometry methods. The impact of EIS displayed the expansion in the polarization resistance (Rp) and the decline in the double layer capacitance (Cdl). Polarization demonstrated that JRE goes about as inhibitor of mixed-type. %IE has been seen as various with a concentration of Juglans Regia concentrate and temperature. The adsorption of JRE on the outside of Al from the damaging corrosive medium obeys Langmuir isotherm. All thermodynamic calculations of Al consumption were settled and talked about. The AFM examination of the Al surface indicated that the concentrate avoided consumption by adsorption on its surfaces and diminished the roughness. FTIR outcomes demonstrated the presence of many functional groups by which the adsorption process occurs. The XPS examination affirmed the arrangement of a defensive layer of JRE on the Al surface. Results got demonstrated great harmony which confirms the potential utilization of JRE to inhibit the dissolution of aluminum in the corrosive medium.

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