
Despite the massive capacity of visual long-term memory, individuals do not successfully encode all visual information they wish to remember. This variability in encoding success has been traditionally ascribed to fluctuations in individuals' cognitive states (e.g., sustained attention) and differences in memory encoding processes (e.g., depth of encoding). However, recent work has shown that a considerable amount of variability in encoding success stems from intrinsic stimulus properties that determine the ease of encoding across individuals. While researchers have identified several perceptual and semantic properties that contribute to stimulus memorability, much remains unknown, including whether individuals are aware of the memorability of stimuli they encounter. In the present study, we investigated whether individuals have conscious access to the memorability of real-world stimuli while forming self-referential judgments of learning (JOL) during explicit memory encoding (Experiments 1A-B) and when asked about the perceived memorability of a stimulus in the absence of attempted encoding (Experiments 2A-B). We found that JOLs and perceived memorability estimates (PME) were consistent across individuals and predictive of memorability, confirming that individuals can access memorability with or without stimulus encoding. At the same time, access to memorability was not comprehensive. We found that individuals unexpectedly remembered and forgot consistent sets of stimuli as well. When we compared access to memorability between JOLs and PMEs, we found that individuals had more access during JOLs. Thus, our findings demonstrate that individuals have partial access to stimulus memorability and that explicit encoding increases the amount of access that is available.

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