
This study intends to examine the legal considerations of the judges of the Supreme Court against the criminal act of corruption continued in the Supreme Court's decision number 866 K/Pid. Sus/2016. The decision stating that the convict is proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption continues, but the continued action is not stated in the consideration of the decision. The Supreme Court's decision number 866 K/Pidsus/2016 raises a big question mark regarding the legal basis for criminal prosecution for perpetrators of continuing corruption, this is because the Corruption Crime Law does not specifically regulate acts of continuing corruption. It is said to be a continuous act in a criminal act of corruption because the act is carried out continuously, both with similar crimes in corruption. Continuing action or also called Voorgezette handeling is an act (gebeuren) in which one action with another action is interrelated and becomes a single unit, the linkage must meet at least two conditions, namely the act is the embodiment of a forbidden will decision and an act that is prohibited. happen must be the same. This journal was created with the aim of being able to find out the judge's legal considerations for the criminal act of continuing corruption which was reviewed with the Ratio Decidendi Theory and the academic requirements to obtain a Master of Law degree at the Faculty of Law, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The research method used by the researcher is doctrinal research with a statutory approach and a case approach. The technique of collecting legal materials used is literature study. The legal material analysis technique used is deductive data analysis.

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