
How we form judgements of sleep quality is poorly understood. Emerging literature suggests that people infer their sleep quality based on multiple sources of accessible information, raising the possibility that sleep quality judgement may evolve as new relevant information becomes available. This study investigated whether people's rating of sleep quality of the night before changes throughout the following day, and what post-sleep factors are associated with the changes. A prospective experience sampling study of 119 healthy young adults, who completed eight short online surveys interspaced 2hr apart from 08:00 hours to 22:00 hours. Each survey asked the participants to report total sleep time and sleep quality of the night before, and to provide ratings of current mood, physical and social activity, and pain/discomfort. A memory test was added to the final survey of the day to measure the participants' recall of their first survey responses to sleep quality, as well as total sleep time and mood. The absolute majority (91.1%) of the participants had one or more change in their sleep quality rating across the eight surveys. A similar percentage of change was found for mood rating (100%) but not total sleep time report (20.5%). Memory test in the final survey revealed that the within-person variations in sleep quality rating were not simply memory errors. Instead, positive physical activity post-sleep predicted increases in sleep quality rating. Therefore, judgement of sleep quality of the night before changes as the day unfolds, and post-sleep information can be used by people to infer their sleep quality.

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