
A joint session of the Research Councils of the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) and the Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IOFAN) marking 300 years since the beginning of physical science research in Russia and 80 years of FIAN was held on 28 April 2014 at the conference hall of the Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).The agenda of the session, announced on the website http://www.lebedev.ru of the Lebedev Physical Institute listed the following reports: Jubilee session (1) Fortov V E, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, “300 years of physical research in Russia”; (2) Mesyats G A, Director of the Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, “LPI: past and present”; (3) Shcherbakov I A, Director of the Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS, “History of the development of lasers”; (4) Baturin Yu M, Director of the Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, “'Kunstkamera' and the development of physics in the 18th-20th centuries”. Scientific session (5) Kardashev N S (Astro-Cosmic Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS) “Modern cosmic radio astronomy: results and prospects”; (6) Kochiev D G, Shcherbakov I A (Prokhorov General Physics Institute, RAS) “Lasers in medicine”; (7) Kolachevsky N N (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS) “Precision laser spectroscopy in fundamental studies”; (8) Kryukov P G (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS) “Powerful femtosecond lasers”; (9) Pudalov V M (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS) “New high-temperature superconductors: research and prospects”; (10) Demikhov E I (Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS) “Magnetic resonance imaging”.Videos of the reports are posted on the website www.lebedev.ru/ru/sci-council.html?id=567 of the Lebedev Physical Institute. • Precision laser spectroscopy in fundamental studies, N N Kolachevsky, K Yu Khabarova Physics-Uspekhi, 2014, Volume 57, Number 12, Pages 1230–1238

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