
 The registration of land rights concerning title status, right subject, and right object is intended to guarantee legal certainty, legal protection, utility. According to UUPA, PP on Land Registration, and its derivation, it is one of the activities of safeguarding the land. The change in physical data and/or juridical data include the coverage of land registration data by transaction which can be proved with PPAT certificate. In reality, in Nagari Ranah Palabi, the transaction is done underhendedly on land title of the transmigrant settlement. The research problem is how about the cause, legal standing, and registration of the transfer of underhanded land transaction on the land right of transmigrant settlement. The research theories are the theory of legal certainty, theory of legal protection, and theory of utility. The research used juridical empirical and descriptive analytic method by analyzing primary data obtained directly from the people in the field. It wa done in Nagari Ranah Palabi, Timpeh Sub-district, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatera Province.
 The result of the reseacrh shows that underhanded transaction of the land of transmigrant settlement includes inexpensive cost, quick process, and easy to do. Legal standing of the transactiondoes not meet material requiment since it is not a certificate made before a PPAT even thougt it is allowed materially. Consequently, it cannot be registered in the Land Office and filing the claim to Court cannot do the proceeding because there is no dispute in it. Therefore, the request for the right for the land cannot be accepted by the Court.
 It is recommended thet legal counseling about legal consequense of underhanded transaction of the land for residence be provided. Accurate regulation for the people on land right for residence concerning formal preprequisite should be made – certificate made before a PPAT for registering land title transfer. Concerning the absence of the seller or ‘afwezigheid’ the buyer has the right to lodge a request the land right in the transmigrant land.
 Keywords : Land Transaction;Land for Residence;Transmigrant.


  • Pendahuluan Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 menyatakan bahwa bumi, air, dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalamnya dikuasai oleh negara dan dipergunakan untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat.Aturan pelaksana dari konstitusi tersebut lahirlah Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok-Pokok Agraria yang dikenal dengan sebutan UUPA.UUPA merupakan peletak dasar yang memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum mengenai hak-hak atas tanah bagi seluruh rakyat

  • juridical data include the coverage of land registration data by transaction which can be proved with Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah (PPAT) certificate

  • The research theories are the theory of legal certainty

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Transmigran Lokal

Hasil penelitian perbuatan jual beli terhadap hak atas lahan tempat tinggal transmigran dilakukan dengan pembayaran secara tunai baik seluruh maupun sebagian atas dasar kesepakatan kedua belah pihak (transmigran/penjual dan pihak lain/pembeli). Ketika terjadinya proses jual beli hak atas lahan tempat tinggal transmigran, dihadiri perangkat pemerintahan nagari ataupun warga setempat. Keseluruhan proses jual beli tersebut didasari pada keinginan kedua belah pihak Menurut Bapak Budsukardi, selaku tokoh masyarakat di Nagari Ranah Palabi, jual beli yang dilakukan disebab biaya ringan dan prosesnya cepat dan mudah.13Hasil penelitian terhadap lahan tempat tinggal transmigran yang diperoleh melalui jual beli di bawah tangan di Nagari Ranah Palabi, Kecamatan Timpeh, Kabupaten Dharmasraya, Provinsi Sumatera Barat, yang di lakukan warga setempat disebab sebagai berikut: Tabel 4. Jual Beli di Bawah Tangan Terhadap Lahan Tempat Tinggal Transmigran di Nagari Ranah Palabi, Kecamatan Timpeh, Kabupaten Dharmasraya Tahun 2019

Purwanto Jaelani
16 Jamaludin Bustamar dan mudah istri masing-masing dilakukan dan warga setempat
21 Nusirwan Arzami
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