
The three cases (Case A: JSW Steel's Ispat Acquisition: The Opportunity; Case B: JSW Steel's Ispat Acqusition: The Setback & Case C: JSW Steel's Ispat Acquisition: The Turnaround Strategy) describe the business situation leading to acquisition of Ispat by JSW, the acquirer company's failure to realize synergies post-acquisition, and the subsequent turnaround initiatives to salvage the situation. The Case A details the potential synergies that were identified during due diligence process while the Case B details the setbacks which did not allow JSW to realize the anticipated synergies. Nevertheless, not deterred by the setback, JSW salvaged the situation by undertaking a massive turnaround program aimed at plugging strategic, operational and organizational gaps. Concurrently, several initiatives were also taken to integrate the processes and workforce of the two organizations. Eventually the JSW team succeeded in turning around Ispat and merged it with the parent group. Case C provides a rich description of the turnaround and integration initiatives by JSW.

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