
As a part of the extensive study of the JRR-1, several chemical analyses were made of the fuel solution, the recombiner water, and the solution that remained in the drain tank. The volume change of the fuel solution was confirmed by the measurements of the density and the uranium concentration. The isotope dilution method and oxine extraction-photometry were used for the determination of uranium. The corrosion products and metals added to the fuel solution, i.e., iron, nickel, chromium, and copper were determined. The extraction-photometric methods that were developed previously were modified and applied to the determination of iron and copper with oxine, nickel with dimethylglyoxime, and chromium with 2-methyloxine. The extraction was carried out in a lead-shielded cave, whereas absorbance measurements were made in an ordinany manner because of negligible radioactivity of the extract. The amounts of uranium and sulfate, which were transferred from the core tank, and corrosion products in the recombiner water were determined. The amounts of uranium and corrosion products in the drain tank were estimated from the determination of these elements in the washings of the tank. Because of the low radioactivity of these samples, the determinations of uranium, iron, nickel, and chromium were made bymore » extraction- photometry without special shielding. The sulfate was determined photometrically by means of barium chromate. (auth)« less

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