
The first two flight models of the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument continue to operate onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) and NOAA-20 spacecrafts. The third flight model is set to be launched as one of a complement of instruments onboard the Joint Polar–orbiting Satellite System-2 (JPSS-2) satellite. In addition to its 14 reflective solar bands and 7 thermal emissive bands, VIIRS has a unique Day-Night Band (DNB). The DNB is a panchromatic imager based on CCD detectors, covering a spectral range of about 500 – 900 nm. The DNB is made up of three gain stages, allowing the sensor to operate over a large dynamic range (3×10-9 - 0.02 W/cm2/sr). As part of VIIRS pre-launch ground testing, the DNB has been characterized to determine its functionality and performance under a space-like environment. The results are compared against the design specification and to previous VIIRS flight models when applicable. This paper presents a comprehensive summary of the VIIRS DNB prelaunch testing and the results of radiometric and spectral assessments. The expected impact to on-orbit operations and calibrated data products are also discussed.

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