
Arguably, the deficit narrative of oral health inequities, perpetuated by colonial re-search agendas, media and sociopolitical discourse, contributes to oral disease burden and fatalism among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. There remains a need to evolve the way oral health is understood, in a manner that reflects the lived experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. This paper proposes decolonising methodologies as a strategy to ensure oral health re-search creates more equitable oral health outcomes and realities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Anchored by a critical reflection of the failure of dominant oral health inequity re-search practices to address Indigenous oral health, both in Australia and internationally, we propose five explicit pathways for decolonising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander oral health re-search. We argue the need for (1) positionality statements in all re-search endeavours, (2) studies that honour reciprocal relationships through the development of proposals that ask questions and follow models based on Traditional Knowledges, (3) the development of culturally secure and strengths-based data capturing tools, (4) frameworks that address the intersection of multiple axes of oppression in creating inequitable conditions and (5) decolonising knowledge translation techniques. Importantly, we recognize that re-search will never be entirely 'decolonised' due to the colonial foundations upheld by academic institutions and society more broadly; however, as oral health re-searchers, we ascertain that there is an ethical compulsion to drive decolonising re-search pursuits that produce equitable oral health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.

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