
In this article, the microstructural slip principle is applied to the flow of micropolar fluid related to the simulation of different physical scenarios. The fluid flow is pickled with different physical parameters like thermal radiation, thermophoresis, Brownian motion, Joule heating and chemical reaction. The nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is obtained by using suitable similarity transformations. An analytical method called homotopy analysis method (HAM) is applied to solve the modeled system of equations. A convergence analysis of HAM is also presented. The analytical and numerical solutions of the modeled problem are compared with the help of Figures and Table. Also, a comparative analysis is presented which validate the current analysis. The whole phenomenon is analyzed in the absence and presence of microstructural slip condition. The effect of microstructural slip parameter on the fluid flow is presented through Figures and Tables. The couple stress is calculated for three different cases. In the first two cases whenn=0.0andn=0.5, the couple stress factor increases significantly with the increasing microstructural slip factor. However, for the third case whenn=1.0, a declining influence in couple stress is depicted. A similar impact is depicted on the micro-rotation distribution. Furthermore, the skin friction, Nusselt number, and Sherwood number are calculated through Tables.

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