
first edition of Martin Noth's commentary on Joshua was published in 1938. freshness of its attack might have weakened even more dangerously the malevolent grip of Hexateuchal criticism on that book had that not received a new lease of life in the same year from G. von Rad's essay on The Form-critical Problem of the Hexateuch. An important year for modern study of the book of Joshua, 1938 saw too the publication of the last part of M. A. Margolis's uncompleted Book of Joshua in Greek. This has been well described as the outstanding example of an attempt to recover the proto-LXX version of the text of an Old Testament. Margolis's all-too-brief comments are sound on the relationship between his reconstructed first Greek version and the Hebrew tradition. In almost every case of divergence he opts for the priority of the Hebrew. Keywords: G. von Rad; Greek version; Hebrew tradition; Joshua; M. A. Margolis; Martin Noth

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