
Let R be a ring. We say that a family of maps D={dn}n∈N is a Jordan higher derivable map (without assumption of additivity) on R if d0=IR (the identity map on R) and dn(ab+ba)=∑p+q=n‍dp(a)dq(b)+∑p+q=n‍dp(b)dq(a) hold for all a,b∈R and for each n∈N. In this paper, we show that every Jordan higher derivable map on a ring under certain assumptions becomes a higher derivation. As its application, we get that every Jordan higher derivable map on Banach algebra is an additive higher derivation.


  • Characterizing the interrelation between the multiplicative and the additive structures of a ring is an interesting topic and has received attention of many mathematicians. It is a well-known result due to Martindale III [1] that every multiplicative bijective map from a prime ring containing a nontrivial idempotent onto an arbitrary ring is necessarily additive

  • In the present paper we introduce the notion of higher derivable map on R and provide a sufficient condition on a ring R under which a Jordan higher derivable map becomes a higher derivation

  • In order to illustrate the results in the literature focused on derivable maps and higher derivation we will introduce the concept of higher derivable maps on certain classes of rings

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An additive mapping d : R → R is said to be a derivation (resp., Jordan derivation) if d(ab) = d(a)b + ad(b) (resp., d(a2) = d(a)a + ad(a)) holds for any a, b ∈ R. Characterizing the interrelation between the multiplicative and the additive structures of a ring is an interesting topic and has received attention of many mathematicians It is a well-known result due to Martindale III [1] that every multiplicative bijective map from a prime ring containing a nontrivial idempotent onto an arbitrary ring is necessarily additive. Lu [2] proved that “each derivable map on a 2-torsion free unital prime ring containing a nontrivial idempotent is a derivation.”. In the present paper we introduce the notion of higher derivable (resp., Jordan higher derivable) map on R and provide a sufficient condition on a ring R under which a Jordan higher derivable map becomes a higher derivation

Additivity of Jordan Higher Derivable Mappings
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