
Today’s resource allocation strategies for edge-cloud network based on Software-Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) architectures often make a decision of placing resource based on network locations, i.e. edge or core cloud. Unfortunately, these strategies are not optimally tailored for a growing class of Internet-of-Things (IoT) services whose traffic is designated to go through a Virtual Network Functions (VNF) service chain. Without considering the communication between SDN control plane and forwarding plane, inappropriate SDN controllers could be selected for switches, which may result in a significant setup delay of the whole service chain. In addition, the fluctuate demand of IoT services requires the entire system, that is composed of controllers, forwarding elements, i.e. switches, and physical machines, being stable during service provisioning. In this paper, we jointly address two issues, i.e. SDN controller-switch assignment and VNF placement, both are high-complexity problems. We formulate the joint optimization problem of dynamically provisioning resource for SDN controllers and VNFs in a long run. We then apply the Lyapunov optimization framework to transform a long-term optimization problem into a series of real-time problems and employ exponentiated gradient ascent (EGA) method to find a near-optimal solution. Extensive simulation and experiments show that our approach helps to optimize the system cost up to 11 ∼ 40% depending on service demand and network size.

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