
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2020 ACM Joint Workshop on Aesthetic and Technical Quality Assessment of Multimedia and Media Analytics for Societal Trends (ATQAM/MAST'20). This Joint Workshop is divided into two tracks: ATQAM and MAST. ATQAM track: Visual quality assessment techniques can be divided into image and video technical quality assessment (IQA and VQA,or broadly TQA) and aesthetics quality assessment (AQA). While TQA is a long-standing field, having its roots in media compression, AQA is relatively young. These two topics have mostly been studied separately, even though they deal with similar aspects of the underlying subjective experience of media. The mission of this track is to bring together individuals in the two fields of TQA and AQA for sharing of ideas and discussions on current trends, developments, issues, and future directions. We hope that bridging TQA and AQA, will result in a better understanding of quantitative measures of quality of experience in the broader context of multimedia applications MAST Track: Traditional multimedia content analytics and research usually deals with tasks such as indexing and summarization. In the context of understanding the impact of media on society and shaping our experiences, we believe in the need for a holistic approach to quantify how people, places and topics are portrayed in media, complementing the traditional branches of media analytics research. To this end, the MAST workshop aims to close the loop with the audience's experience, and analyze the impact of media in terms of constantly evolving societal patterns.

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