
The co-signatory Editors hereby declare that a process of information exchange and co-operation is to be instigated between them forthwith with the aim of eliminating redundant (duplicate) publication in their journals. Briefly, redundant publication is a paper, which overlaps substantially with one already published or submitted elsewhere. We consider redundant publication to be scientifically unethical for the following reasons: the author receives 2 or more citations for only 1 article; the time of unpaid peer reviewers and editors is frequently wasted on duplicate submissions; the already extensive scientific literature is further inflated making literature search even more cumbersome; valuable journal pages are wasted. Furthermore, meta-analysis of various studies becomes flawed when the same material is published repeatedly. We intend to combat redundant publication by: sending doubtful papers for peer review by other journal editors; exchanging information about conference submissions and joint collaboration in program committees; publishing joint statements exposing offenders in clear cut cases; imposing bans where necessary; and following up on potential copyright infringements. For the purposes of this declaration, redundant publication is defined as follows: 1.The hypothesis is similar.2.The numbers or sample sizes are similar.3.The methodology is identical or nearly so.4.The results are similar.5.At least 1 author is common to both reports.6.No or little new information is made available. To classify as redundant publication all of points 1–6 must apply. An exception is publications in local or regional journals, abstracts at scientific meetings, or in languages other than English. The authors must bring all of these to Editor’s attention. The Editors’ judgement decides if points 1–6 apply for a specific case. The authors will be informed, and will be given the opportunity to reply. We hope that the authorship of our journals and the scientific community at large will support us in this endeavour which we believe to be in the best interests of all.

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