
In this paper, a novel spectral-spatial hyperspectral image classification method has been proposed by designing hierarchical subspace switch ensemble learning algorithm. First, the hyperspectral images are processed by fast bilateral filtering to get the spatial features. The spectral features and spatial features are combined to form the initial feature set. Second, Hierarchical instance learning based on iterative means clustering method is designed to obtain hierarchical instance space. Third, random subspace method (RSM) is used for sampling the features and samples, thereby forming multiple sub sample set. After that, semi-supervised learning (S2L) is applied to choose test samples for improving classification performance without touching the class labels. Then, micro noise linear dimension reduction (mNLDR) is used for dimension reduction. Afterwards, ensemble multiple kernels SVM(EMK_SVM) are used for stable classification results. Finally, final classification results are obtained by combining classification results with voting strategy. Experimental results on real hyperspectral scenes demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively improve the classification performance apparently.

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