
SUMMARY The joint interpretation of seismic and geodynamic data requires mineral physical parameters linking seismic velocity to density perturbations in the Earth’s mantle. The most common approach is to link velocity and density through relative scaling or conversion factors: R ρ/s = dlnρ/dlnV S. However, the range of possible R ρ/s values remains large even when only considering thermal effects. We directly test the validity of several proposed depthdependent conversion profiles developed from mineral physics studies for thermally-varying properties of mantle materials. The tests are conducted by simultaneously inverting shear wave traveltime data and a diverse suite of convection-related constraints interpreted with viscous-flow response functions of the mantle. These geodynamic constraints are represented by surface spherical harmonic basis functions (up to harmonic degree 16) and they consist of the global free-air gravity field, tectonic plate divergences, dynamic surface topography and the excess ellipticity of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). The tests yield an optimum 1-D thermal R ρ/s profile that is generally compatible with all considered data, with the exception of the dynamic surface topography that is most sensitive to the shallow upper mantle. This result is not surprising given that cratonic roots are known to be compositionally-distinct from the surrounding ambient mantle. Moreover, it is expected that the temperature-dependence of the thermal R ρ/s in the upper mantle is significant due to the temperature-dependence of seismic attenuation or Q. Therefore, a simple 1-D density–velocity relationship is insufficient. To address this problem, we obtained independent estimates of the first-order correction factors to the selected R ρ/s profile within the cratonic roots and in the ambient (thermal) upper mantle. These correction factors, defined as ∂R ρ/s/∂lnV S, are highly negative within the cratons signifying considerable compositional buoyancy. This result confirms that the negative buoyancy associated with the low temperatures in the cratons is significantly counteracted by the composition-induced positive buoyancy resulting in near-neutral buoyancy of the cratonic roots. Within the ambient upper mantle, the correction factors are found to be positive which is consistent with the expected behaviour of the R ρ/s relationship in thermally-varying upper-mantle material. We obtain a significantly greater reconciliation of the global gravity anomalies and dynamic surface topography when applying these laterally-varying corrections compared to a simple 1-D R ρ/s relationship. Inversion for a fully 3-D R ρ/s relationship reveals secondary effects including additional compositional variation within the cratonic roots and the deep-mantle superplume structures. We estimate the relative magnitude of the thermal and compositional (non-thermal) contributions to mantle density anomalies and conclude that thermal effects dominate shear wave and density heterogeneity throughout the non-cratonic mantle. We also demonstrate the potential pitfalls of scaling a purely seismically-derived model to obtain density rather than performing a true joint inversion to obtain velocity and density simultaneously.

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